Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 2, Day 2

Distance: 4 miles

Total for the week: 7 miles

Overall total so far: 22 miles

Notes: Ouch. I played my first game of Ultimate last night, so my legs were shot. And on top of that, my entire family got sick within three hours of each other last night. So I ran this sick and on dead legs. It hurt pretty bad, but I did it. As Tracey said, having already done her four miles today, "It's amazing how much more you can do than you think you can." How true. That's one thing I remember from my previous attempt at this: when you think you are totally spent, you can usually go just a few steps more. And then a few steps more than that.

I figured today's medium run would be a decent opportunity to try out the "walk breaks." So I ran three minutes and walked one minute for the entire distance. Also, the three minute running portions were very slow. It definitely helped me stay strong until the end. Once again I reminded myself that finishing is the only goal, and that nothing else matters. And I finished today's run in spite of my circumstances, just like I will finish the one on September 16.

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